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Help your nervous dog feel more confident with ADAPTIL

  • Releases pheromones to create a safe and secure environment
  • Improvement may be seen within the first week
  • Continued use for at least one month is recommended

Identify the triggers

  • First try to answer these 2 questions: What is your nervous dog afraid of? And how much can he tolerate?
  • It can be traffic, unfamiliar situations, visitors coming to your house, certain kinds of people in the streets, other dogs...

Be a friend

  • Don’t force your nervous dog to stay too close to the source of fear
  • Do NOT punish your dog if he barks or shakes. This will only make your dog more distressed

Mild and positive exposure

  • Your dog can learn over time that there is nothing to be afraid of
  • Expose your dog slowly: approach the fearful thing from a good distance
  • Reward your dog when he calms down

We recommend:

ADAPTIL Calm Diffuser

Helps your dog cope with fears indoors and a fear of visitors or unfamiliar people

ADAPTIL Calm On‑The‑Go Collar

Helps your dog cope with fears outdoors, in the streets, in the parks...

Tips to help your dog cope with fears

It is very common for dogs to be nervous. The most common types of shyness are:

  • Social shyness: fear of new or unfamiliar people. Sometimes this can be very specific, like fear of men with beards, or a fear of children, or also other dogs
  • Fear of new situations, new places, or specific objects (like the terrifying vacuum cleaner!)
  • Traffic shyness: fear of sounds and movements of cars in the streets

Nervous dogs may shake, try to hide or run away, but can also bark and sometimes even bite.

When your dog is scared, the best thing you can do to make the fear go away is to physically get away from the source of fear.

Stay calm and take your dog away, to a place where he can feel safe.


Then you can start to help your nervous dog overcome his fear, with mild and gradual exposure.

Try to recreate the situation, but in a controlled manner: introduce your dog to the source of fear from a distance, as you calm and praise him. Use treats to reward your dog when he calms down.

Remember that your dog will also react to your emotions, so you must remain relaxed and speak with an assured voice.

Repeat, and come a little bit closer every time. Go slowly, and allow your dog time to adjust.

 Using ADAPTIL Diffuser or ADAPTIL Collar during the whole process will help your dog feel more confident and relaxed.